Due to new health agency recommendations related to COVID-19, in-person events at Hacksburg have resumed! All events will be in-person + online ("hybrid") from now on. |
Hacksburg is a community workshop located in Blacksburg, VA at 1872 Pratt Drive, in the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center.
Want to join Hacksburg? Start by reading this page!
We're a registered 501c3 non-profit and love donations! Read more here.
Recurring Events
Weekly meeting every Tuesday 7:30 PM. Feel free to come by for a tour! This meeting is open-to-the-public and followed by an open-to-the-public work session starting at the end of the meeting to whenever the last member leaves. Also feel free to attend to learn more about Hacksburg and take a virtual tour! The meeting link is https://meet.hacksburg.org/OpenGroupMeeting for attending virtually.
Upcoming Events
Make sure to RSVP for events before attending on Meetup of at rsvp@hacksburg.org. All classes 1:00PM-4:00PM unless otherwise noted.
- March 30 (Saturday): 10th Anniversary Open House
- April 14: Designing Circuit Boards in KiCad
- April 21: Modern Kites
- April 28: AI Image Generation
Classes are $5 for non-members and free for members unless otherwise noted.
Check out and RSVP to these events on MeetUp (https://www.meetup.com/HacksburgVA/) as well!
Mini-classes are shorter 30-90 minute casual events held after the weekly meeting. They may introduce a new topic, expand on a previous class, or be a forum for discussion. No RSVP required!
- April 2: How to safely view the Solar Eclipse
- TBD: AI and Internet Safety
Regional Events
- Sourced Press
- Mondays 4-7 PM: Open Studio
- March 16 12-4 PM: Intro to Letterpress (repeats monthly)
- March 23 12-4 PM: Pressure Printing with Wood Type
- April 6 9:30-4 PM: Nature Writing & Print w/ Laura Jones, Kim O’Donnell, & Sarah Pollock
- Virginia Cooperative Extension "Seed to Shelf" Series (Gardening)
- March 21 6-8 PM: Planting & Pests and Diseases (at Meadowbrook Public Library, Shawsville)
- March 24: Maker Faire Lynchburg
- Den Hill Farm and Fungi
- April 7 2:30 PM: Medicinal (Lions Mane and Reishi) Log Inoculating Workshop
- April 27: 2:30 PM: Shiitake Log Inoculation Workshop
- April 12-14: Vintage Computing Festival (Wall, NJ)
- June 9: Maker Faire NoVa (Alexandria, VA)
- June 15: NRV Spring Fly-In (Dublin, VA)
Ongoing Events
- Various art classes at The Floyd Center for the Arts
- Thursdays 5-7 PM: Ceramics Open Studio
- 1st and 3rd Saturdays 10-3 PM: Beginner & Intermediate Stained Glass
- March 30 10-4 PM: Introduction to Blacksmithing
- Woodworking classes at Woodcraft of Roanoke
- Crafty Drafts at Moon Hollow Brewing (Usually second Thursday)
Other Events
- Electronics Bench
- Wood Shop
- Metal Shop
- 3D Printing
- Laser Cutter
- Sewing corner
- Computers, Displays, and internet connectivity
- Inventory
- Tool Wishlist -- **Please use this set of pages to offer donations or to request tools.**
- Hacksburg Cloud
Archived Projects
- Membership Application
- Equipment Donation Form
- Equipment Loan Form
- Event Request Form
- Paper PDF Forms