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Main Page

279 bytes removed, 10:24, 23 October 2024
'''Make sure to RSVP for events before attending on Meetup or at''' All classes 1:00PM-4:00PM unless otherwise noted.
* September 22: PCB Design
* September 29: Embroidery Workshop (No Class)
* October 1 (Tues.): Laser Taco Tuesday
* October 5 (Sat.): Maple Tree Identification Walk
* October 6: Space Improvement Day (No Class)
* [[Annual_Cider_Making|October 13 & 20: 10th Annual Cider Making]]
* October 27: Fermentation (Hard Cider and Homebrew)
* October 29 (Tues.): Costume Weekly Meeting and 3D Terrain Models

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