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271 bytes removed, 13:12, 28 July 2024
Upcoming Events
'''Make sure to RSVP for events before attending on Meetup or at''' All classes 1:00PM-4:00PM unless otherwise noted.
* May 19: Introduction to Holograms
* June 2: Woodworking 101
* June 9: Resin Printing
* June 15 (Sat): Summer Solstice Fest (Downtown)
* June 16: Summer Solstice Weekend Open House
* <s>June 23: Homebrewing 101 (focus on beer brewing)</s> Cancelled due to lack of signup
* June 30: Laser Cutter 101
* July 14: CNC Part 1
* July 21: Smart Home with Home Assistant
* July 28: Vinyl Cutting
* August 25: Sand Casting
Classes are $5 for non-members and free for members unless otherwise noted. Some classes may have an additional materials fee.
Check out and RSVP to these events on MeetUp ( as well!

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