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* December 12 6:30 PM: Annual Meeting (Members Only)
* December 17: Smart Home Alone (Home Assistant)
* January 7: Backyard Maple Syrup Making
* January 14: Intro to Sewing
* January 28: Electronics with Radios
* February 4: Woodworking 101
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'''Make sure to RSVP for events before attending on Meetup of at rsvp@hacksburg.org.''' All classes 1:00PM-4:00PM unless otherwise noted.
* February 11: Laser Cutter 101 (Make a custom Valentines Day gift!)
* February 18: Intro to CNC
=== Regional Events ===
* Check out ongoing classes and events at [https://www.floydartcenter.org/stores/course_catalog The Floyd Center for the Arts ]
* [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=879163987551030&set=a.280904744043627 Virginia Cooperative Extension Seed to Shelf" Series (Gardening)]
** February 15 6-8 PM: Garden and Seed Prep
=== Other Events ===