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→Code Samples
This code takes ADC readings at a constant rate and prints them to the serial
port. Output is formatted to be CSV-compatible - simply copy the contents of
the serial monitor to a text file. The channels to be digitized are specified
by the array 'channelSequence' - use the channel names defined directly above
it in the code. Sample rate is controlled by setting 'freq' - this expects an
integer value in Hz. The ADC voltage reference is controlled by 'ADCref'. Use
one of the three values defined immediately above it.
Written exclusively for the Arduino Uno - makes direct use of the ATMEGA328's
low-level registers, so not guaranteed to work on other microcontrollers.
-nj 2020-10-12
// --- User-set variables for sample rate, ADC range and channels sampled
// Redefine this to change the frequency of ADC readings.
// One channel is stable at up to ~833.33 Hz
const uint16_t freq = 150; // Hz
// ADMUX values to select ADC voltage reference. Table 23-3.
#define EXT 0b00000000 // External voltage reference
#define VCC 0b01000000 // 5 V
#define I11 0b11000000 // 1.1 V
// Redefine this to change what voltage the ADC uses as Vmax.
const uint8_t ADCref = I11;
// ADMUX values to select different channels. Table 23-4.
#define A_0 0b00000000
#define A_1 0b00000001
#define A_2 0b00000010
#define A_3 0b00000011
#define A_4 0b00000100
#define A_5 0b00000101
// Redefine this to change which channels get digitized and in what order.
volatile uint8_t channelSequence[] = { A_0, A_1, A_2 };
// --- Variables used for sampling the ADC
const volatile uint8_t maxIndex = sizeof(channelSequence) - 1; // sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]) for non-byte types
volatile uint16_t rawADC[sizeof(channelSequence)];
volatile uint8_t index;
volatile unsigned long sampleTime;
volatile bool readComplete = false;
String sample = "";
const uint16_t CTCmatch = 62500 / freq - 1; // Note deliberate use of integer division
// --- Variables used to control recording
volatile bool btnReleased = false;
bool recording = false;
// --- setup() and loop()