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'''Make sure to RSVP for events before attending on Meetup of at rsvp@hacksburg.org.''' All classes 1:00PM-4:00PM unless otherwise noted.
* March 10: Bicycle Repair and Maintenance
* March 17: Seed Starting
==== Mini-Classes ====
Mini-classes are shorter 30-90 minute casual events held after the weekly meeting. They may introduce a new topic, expand on a previous class, or be a forum for discussion. No RSVP required!
* April 2: How to safely view the Solar Eclipse
* TBD: AI and Internet Safety
=== Regional Events ===
* March 24: [https://lynchburg.makerfaire.com/ Maker Faire Lynchburg]
* [https://www.denhillfarmandfungi.com/ Den Hill Farm and Fungi]
** April 7 2:30 PM: [https://den-hills-mushroom-workshops.square.site/ Medicinal (Lions Mane and Reishi) Log Inoculating Workshop]
** April 27: 2:30 PM: [https://den-hills-mushroom-workshops.square.site/ Shiitake Log Inoculation Workshop]
* April 12-14: [https://vcfed.org/events/vintage-computer-festival-east/ Vintage Computing Festival] (Wall, NJ)
* June 9: [https://nova.makerfaire.com/ Maker Faire NoVa] (Alexandria, VA)
==== Ongoing Events ====* Various Dates[https: //www.floydartcenter.org/stores/course_catalog The Floyd Center for the Arts ]* Woodworking classes at [https://www.woodcraft.com/pages/store-classes/roanoke Woodcraft of Roanoke]* https://www.newriverartandfiber.com/crafty-drafts Crafty Drafts] at Moon Hollow Brewing (Usually second Thursday)
=== Other Events ===