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403 bytes removed, 09:44, 19 April 2023
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'''Make sure to RSVP for events before attending at''' All classes 1:00PM-4:00PM unless otherwise noted.
* February 26: Silicone Casting Day
* March 5: 3D Printing
* March 12: Wind Chimes
* March 19: Seed Starting
* March 26: Lynchburg Maker Faire
** March 25: Prep and packing for Maker Faire
* April 2: CNC Gantry Mill
* April 4: Synthesizer Mini-Class (Confirmed!)
* April 9: Basics Fiberglass/Carbon/Composites
* April 16: Anodizing Day
* April 23: Kites (might be kite making, might be kite photography)
* April 30: Resin Printing
* May 7: Intro to Radio
* May 21: Modifying CAD
* June 4: Modern Kites (may also touch on kite making and kite photography)
* June 11: Shop Work Day
* June 13 (Tuesday): Class Planning at business meeting
* June 17: Hacksburg at Summer Solstice Fest
* June 18: Workshop Open House
* June 25: Leatherworking
Classes are $5 for non-members and free for members unless otherwise noted.
===== Regional Events =====
* February 11-12 - [ Big Lick Comic Con]
* March 11 - Raspberry Pi Jam with Roanoke Robotics!
* March 20 - Game Night at Virginia Tech Library
* March 31-April 1 - Shadowfest Con with VTSFFC
* April 19 - STEAM Night at the Salem Red Sox (please contact the Board to volunteer)
* April 22 10:00AM to 2:00PM - NRV Repair Cafe at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Christansburg
* April 29 - YMCA Healthy Kids Day (please contact the board to volunteer)