To set the voltage limit, first make sure the current limit is set high enough that you're in CV mode ('''C.V.''' LED is lit), and then adjust the voltage knobs until the readout above them indicates the desired voltage. Even if nothing is connected to the supply, you'll still need to turn current knobs at least a hair above zero to put it CV mode.
To set the current limit, temporarily short the '''-''' and '''+''' terminals together with a piece of wire or (ideally) a banana plug patch cord. The Make sure this conductor is large enough to safely carry the current you're dialing in. If necessary, raise the voltage limit until the supply should be is in CC mode, with the '''C.C.''' LED lit. Adjust Then, adjust thecurrent knobs until the readout above them indicates the desired current. Make sure the conductor you use to short the terminals together is large enough to safely carry the current you're dialing in.