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225 bytes removed, 20:28, 10 May 2022
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'''Make sure to RSVP for events before attending at''' All classes 1:00PM-4:00PM unless otherwise noted.
* April 17: [[Events/2022/Printer_Work_Day_April|3D Printer Work Day]], Ages 14+, no RSVP or class fee, bring your printers to work on
* May 1: [[Events/2022/Silicone_Mold_Making|Silicone Mold Making]], Ages 14+
* May 8: [[Events/2022/Sharpening_April|Slow-Speed Precision Knife Sharpening]], Ages 18+
* May 15: [[Events/2022/Bicycle_Repair|Bicycle Repair Day]]
* May 22: Vacuum Former Work Day, no RSVP required
* April 30: [ YMCA Healthy Kids Day]
* May 6: Salem Red Sox STEAM Night (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics): Details TBA
* August 5-6: [ Blacksburg Steppin' Out]
===== Other Events =====