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General Requirements

  • All events must be approved by the Board of Directors. No exceptions.
  • Each event must have at least one Organizer.
  • No event may conduct activities prohibited by law (local, state, or federal).
    • If an event intends to conduct activities significantly regulated by law, the Organizers should explain to the Board how they intend to comply with the pertinent regulations.
  • Additional equipment to be used at the event or brought into the space must be approved by the Board.
  • If per-person admission is charged for an event, a fee of $5 per member and $10 per non-member must be remitted to Hacksburg in addition to any other fees for use of the space.
  • Events should not conflict with other events in the same time frame, including (but not limited to) meetings. In the event of a conflict with another use of the space, all parties involved are expected to resolve them in a civil manner.

Responsibilities of Event Organizers

  • Organizers are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the event and those attending it are in compliance with legal requirements, Hacksburg policy (including this event policy), and the wishes of the Board of Directors (as made clear either directly or through a Hacksburg Liaison).
  • Organizers are responsible for making sure the space is cleaned up after an event.
  • Organizers must keep a record of attendees at each event and submit said record to the Board as soon as possible after each event's conclusion. At a minimum, this record must include the number of attendees at an event.
  • Organizers are responsible for settling any monetary liabilities incurred by the events they organize. This includes (but is not limited to) Hacksburg event fees, legal and administrative expenses, and event-related expenses (food, parts, etc). Hacksburg may engage in cost sharing of these liabilities at the discretion of the Board and/or the membership.
  • Organizers are responsible for resolving any conflicts with other event Organizers or the membership, and doing so in a civil manner.
  • Failure to meet any of these responsibilities runs the risk of Organizers being debarred from holding future events at Hacksburg.

Responsibilities of Event Attendees

  • Event Attendees are responsible for following Hacksburg policy, legal requirements, and the instructions of Event Organizers and Liaisons at all times while attending Hacksburg events.
  • Event Attendees may not, under any circumstances, use Hacksburg equipment or consumables aside from tables, chairs, and other things provided for the event unless they're already a member of Hacksburg and follow appropriate policies.
  • Attendees who fail to meet these responsibilities run the risk of being banned from Hacksburg.

Procedure for Requesting an Event

One of the Organizers of a potential event should email the Board of Directors with the following information:

  • The name and purpose of the event
  • The date and time of the event
  • The Organizers (and Liaisons, if applicable) for the event
  • The number of people expected and, if applicable, a list of attendees
  • What equipment is expected to be used
  • Whether minors are going to attend (must have consent forms filled out for each minor)
  • Any special needs the event may have (equipment, setup/teardown, etc)

Be prepared to answer questions about the event. In some cases, for larger events, the Board may require that you find additional Organizers. In the event of a rejection, the applicant may modify the application and resubmit, subject to the guidelines below.

Decisions of the Board of Directors concerning events are final.

Event Access

Access to Hacksburg events are divided into three categories.

    • Members Only events are restricted to members of Hacksburg.
    • Public events are open to the general public.
    • Private events are restricted to attendees allowed by the Event Organizers. During the event, the space is restricted to its attendees and organizers, and nobody else may enter.

Members Only Events

  • Applications for Members Only Events may be made by any full member of Hacksburg.
  • Applications for Members Only Events must be submitted a minimum of 48 hours before the requested date of the event.

Public Events

  • Applications for Public Events may be made by any full member of Hacksburg.
  • Applications for Public Events must be submitted a minimum of one week before the requested date of the event.

Private Events

  • Applications for Private Events may be made by any member of the public, including members of Hacksburg.
  • Applications for Private Events must be submitted a minimum of three weeks before the requested date of the event.
  • Private Events must not conflict with other uses of the space, including membership work times.
  • No more than four Private Events may be held in any held in any given month.
  • In addition to an Organizer, Private Events must have a Liaison who is a full member of Hacksburg. The Liaison will be responsible for making sure the event's use of the space complies with Hacksburg policy, including decisions of the Board of Directors. If the Organizer is a member of Hacksburg, no Liaison is needed.
  • Private Events will incur a space use fee of $60 per day.