Talk:Main Page

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Revision as of 18:23, 5 September 2019 by Webmaster (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Summarizing the changes required for switching from Dokuwiki to MediaWiki * Formatting ** External links must change from <nowiki>Pretty Name</nowiki> to <...")
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Summarizing the changes required for switching from Dokuwiki to MediaWiki

  • Formatting
    • External links must change from [[|Pretty Name]] to [ Pretty Name] (single bracket, no pipe)
    • Ensure all internal links use proper capitalization. The link becomes the page title
    • Heading emphasis is reversed = Heading = is the biggest/top level, and ===== Heading 5 ===== is the smalles/lowest level
    • Bullet points need to have preceeding spaces removed. Sub-bullets are indicated by additional asterisks
  • Structure
    • Previous wiki sorted Tools, Events, etc into individual namespaces and sub-namespaces. For this mediawiki we are using subpages all in the main namespace.
      • Subpages are linked to by slashes. e.g. Events/2019/Laser Cutter Training
      • On upper level subpages, a list of the lower subpages can be automatically generated by including {{Template:ListSubpages}} in the page. See Events and Events/2019 for an example.
  • Accounts
    • The previous wiki allowed for open account creation and that was carried over to this wiki. However, many spam accounts and pages were created within the first few hours which needed to be manually removed.
    • To prevent additional spam accounts, account verification was turned on. A user clicks "Request account" and fills out a short form. It is added to the approval queue and a notification email is sent to the approvers. When the account is approved, an email is automatically sent to the requester.
      • The account approvers, 'bureaucrats' in Mediawiki terms, are still being decided. Probably includes the board at a minimum.
      • For those who do not wish to include an email, a fake account could be used and they could be notified of approval through alternate means