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* May 1: [[Events/2022/Silicone_Mold_Making|Silicone Mold Making]], Ages 14+
* May 1: [[Events/2022/Silicone_Mold_Making|Silicone Mold Making]], Ages 14+
* May 8: [[Events/2022/Sharpening_April|Slow-Speed Precision Knife Sharpening]], Ages 18+
* May 8: [[Events/2022/Sharpening_April|Slow-Speed Precision Knife Sharpening]], Ages 18+
* May 15: [[Events/2022/Bicycle_Repair|Bicycle Repair Day]]
=== 2021 ===
=== 2021 ===

Revision as of 08:40, 18 May 2022

Events Archive







  • January 17th 8:00pm - Tool Tuesday - Introduction to the Oscilloscope - Come on out to Hacksburg's monthly Tool Tuesday and learn what an Oscilloscope is, what uses it has, and the basics of operating it. This event is open to everyone (students, residents, anyone!) and free.
  • January 28th 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM -- Drone building
  • Feburary 21st at 8:00pm - Introduction to Soldering - Come on out to Hacksburg's monthly Tool Tuesday and learn what soldering is, what uses it has, and the basics of doing it from Brent, a board member. This event is open to everyone (students, residents, anyone!) and free.
  • March 4 - Introduction to Sewing - 1pm-4pm
    • Come learn basic hand sewing, how to use a sewing machine, and how to follow a basic pattern.
    • We will be making drawstring bags.
    • Reading a simple pattern
    • straight stitching by hand
    • using a sewing machine (bobbins, threading, adjusting)
    • Price: $10 public / $5 for members
    • see 2016 class for notes Sewing 101
  • March 7 - Magic Wand Contest Awards Party 8pm for the [[events:2017:magic_wand_contest?s[]=wizard]]
  • March 11 - Open house 1-4pm Stop in to get a tour of our space, some tea or coco, and be able to ask any questions about our organization. This is free and open to everyone!
  • March 7-28 -- Adafruit Group Buy
  • March 19 - Inventory Day - 1-5pm
    • Members, we need to inventory everything in the space for taxes, please come out and help us knock it out.
  • March 21 - 8pm - Tool Tuesday - Introduction to 3D Printing
  • April - Steampunk Contest all month!
  • May 2 - 8 PM -- Steampunk Contest Awards Party
  • June 17 - events:Summer Solstice Fest 2017
  • June 24 - events:Woodworking 101 - 2017
  • October 8, 1pm to 5pm - events:2017:Cider Making Event 2017
  • October 10, 7:30 pm - Pumpkin Carving after General Meeting
  • October 14, 9am to 3pm - Repair Cafe at the NRV ReStore
  • November 12, 2pm - events:2017:Foam Armor Class